Blind Loves is a film about love between blind people. Love can be soft, love can be silly, love can be blind at times... To find one´s place in this world is not an easy thing to do for people with good sight, but how much more difficult it can get for somobedy who is blind? The „view“ of blind persons is often pure and essential, and very often witty. It uncovers new dimensions of meaning of happiness.
Director´s outline
Our film depicts four blind people and through them we get to know the stories of their loves. Blind teacher Peter has a very unique imagination. He likes to listen to adventurous radio plays, where he can submerge into a fairytale world. He lives together with his wife in a nice relationship behind the walls of a small department and that´s where their small-big story is set. Blind Roma Miro falls in love with an almost blind white girl. His story is a story of troublesome fight for love.
Blind Elena desires to have a child. Her story lets us in the emotional world of a blind woman – mother to be. We are sharing her excitement, her fears but most of all her great desire to bear a child and raise it. The time of awaiting is full of joy and new questions and full of delicate situations. Blind teenager Zuzana is in search of her first love. She finds it on the internet, where she can hide her secret – the fact that she is blind.
Life of blind people drew my attention as a subject giving possibility to have an insight into the mystery of life in blindness. The fact that someone is born to “darkness” calls for a number of questions about the ways these people live. One of the most important of them in my opinion is where the source of their happiness is? Their world might be lacking sight but it can be richer in spirituality on the other hand. And maybe it´s them who really understand the true essence of happiness. To find one´s place in this world is not an easy thing to do for people with good sight, but how much more difficult it can get for somobedy who is blind? The „view“ of blind persons is often pure and essential, and very often witty. It uncovers new dimensions of meaning of happiness.